Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Life in Pandemia

Line to get in the local grocery store
Part of Blapril is a reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic so I thought I'd share some of how it has impacted me.

Like many people, I am working from home and my children are home from school.  Besides one digestive issue with my autistic daughter, we have stayed healthy.  It is interesting how this impacts my thoughts about healthcare even though we have been directly impacted.  Besides being autistic my daughter has other issues which cause her to get dehydrated quickly.  When she got sick my wife and I were both considering when is the point that it is worth taking her in to the hospital, where they are overworked and where she might get exposed to COVID-19 or something else.  Fortunately, she was better the next day.

My whole family is a little stir-crazy.  It is difficult not being able to do what we normally do.  Work is difficult for me and I've spent more time on conference calls on my cell phone than I could have imagined.  That said, I'm employed, my employer is an 'essential' manufacturer and though some people have been furloughed due to lower demand, generally our company is ok.  Others are not nearly so fortunate.  I have been picking up meals more often than usually and more often from locally businesses to support them.  We even got our Easter meal that way and have been enjoying it for the last three days.  I have tried to let people at the stores know I am grateful that they are there to help us.

I hope you all stay healthy!  My thoughts and prayers go to Mr. Peril and his family and others impacted by this illness.  Stay home and keep yourself and others safe!

Blapril post #10

Monday, April 13, 2020

Getting to Know Kanter

Happy Easter!  This is getting to know you week for Blapril so I thought I'd take a break from my World of Warcraft posts to say a little about myself.

I am 55 years old at the time of this post (2020), married, and have three daughters, ages 11, 15, and 17.  I guess I'm older than the average blogger, but there are certainly others in my age range.  I am a Christian.  My 17 daughter is profoundly autistic and, for the most part, non-verbal.  She is also a joy to be with and very affectionate with me and my wife.  I am always grateful for my family and they definitely shapes my life, including the gaming I do.


While I'm reluctant to post pictures of my family, pet pictures are expected.  If you really want to see a picture of me, my twitter account (@kckoury) has a photo.  At the top is our border collie, Mercy.  She is a sweet dog, but doesn't act like a typical border collie.  She won't play fetch and mainly wants to be loved on.  We also have a cat, Sammy, pictured here with a crown my 11 year old made for him.  He is getting old (at least 17, but could be older) so he spends a lot of time sleeping.

I'll focus on how I spend my time now, in the pandemic, and my gaming life in my next two posts.

Blapril post #9