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New Vulpera Rogue Kintri Outside Grommash Hold at Level 20 |
After leveling my mage to level 50 in World of Warcraft last week, I wanted to do something different before leveling my Alliance druid or my Horde demon hunter, who are both in their fourties. I decided to create a new Vulpera character since I love their appearance and I wanted to try out how the new leveling works. My first decision was what class to choose. I wanted something appropriate for a Vulpera and preferred something I hadn't already leveled. I never was much of one for stealth and so I never leveled a rogue but decided it seemed appropriate for a fox and this was a good time to try it out. It was fun playing with the different appearance options and ended up with the cute female Vulpera, Kintri, you see above.
The next decision was where to level her. I remembered reading an article in Massively Op about the different leveling experiences. Initially I was thinking about Warlords of Draenor since I never saw the Horde side and it seemed like it would be quite different. It was also supposed to be the quickest expansion to level. However then I saw that Mists of Pandaria was ranked as the top leveling experience and it was probably my favorite. Again, the Horde side should be quite different.
I know Bhagpuss had some issues being able to choose where to start but I didn't seem to have the same issues he had. When I arrived in Orgrimmar I was given two quests, one of which started the Battle for Azeroth chain with Sylvannas and the other was to go to the Warchief's Command Board. I knew about talking to Chromie but I thought I'd go ahead and complete the Warchief's Command Board quest to see what it offered. Interestingly, as you can see above, there seemed to be a prompt to go to Chromie and then quests for Legion (Broken Shore) and Warlords of Draenor (Tanaan Jungle). I was curious how it would work if I took one of these quests beside Chromie but I did want to get stuck so instead I went to Chromie without taking the flier to see what she would offer.
No issues with Chromie either. She offered the six level experiences I expected. (Cataclysm is combined with the vanilla leveling experience and I already had the quest for Battle for Azeroth). However, once I chose Wilds of Pandaria I ran into an issue. I got the quest to go to Grommash's Hold and could see the quest but when I entered it, I would phase and Sylvanas would be there. I tried logging on and off to see if that would help but it didn't. Eventually I dropped the Battle for Azeroth starting quest, logged off and logged back in and I could then see Garrosh in Grommash's Hold.
Once I started the Mists of Pandaria everything went well. It seemed like I was a little overpowered but there was one boss that I died to because I didn't avoid his special attack. I enjoyed using my combo points and it was nice to be able to stealth to avoid fights. My goal was to reach level 20 (allied races start at level 10) and I did that over one weekend without playing that much. The story was just a Horde variation of the Alliance story but at least there were some parts with the Hozen that were quite funny. I was able to get skinning and leatherworking first in Orgrimmar and then the Pandaria variant of skinning though it looks like leatherworking will need to wait until a later zone. I'll probably also try out cooking since I enjoyed the farm and cooking quests as Alliance.
So far, I really like the new leveling options. It's great to be able to actually see a full expansion on a character. Previously you'd only get through a small part before it would send you to the next expansion. It also seems about right to finish one expansion to see the new content. You can always create another character if you want to see a different one. Before Battle for Azeroth, I had decided I would never see the Horde side of the story because there was too much catching up to do. However, now, between the level boost and the ability to level an allied race character through only one zone, I'm interesting in visiting at least the revised vanilla zones and Warlords of Draenor. Maybe I'll try out the Isle of Exile as well just to see what it's like.
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