As I mentioned last week, I started this blog during the initial Newbie Blogger Initiative in 2012. Three years later, I have said a lot of things that I have wanted to say, but I am still a Newbie in that I haven't fallen into a sustainable pattern. I have followed up some on the others who participated in the original NBI. This year, I finally caught up with the NBI during it's last week just in time to participate in the last Talkback challenge. Joseph Skyrim offered the following questions.
Lust – Do you enjoy games more if they have scantily clad and “interestingly proportioned” avatars? Do you like playing as one of these avatars? Why or why not?
The reason I am a casual gamer is that I don't have time to do otherwise. I spoken often in my blog about my desire to keep gaming, but do it in a way that works with my obligations as a father with three children ages 6-12. One way I am doing that is by not playing games that I wouldn't want my daughters to watch me play. I don't think there is anything wrong with those games, it just makes it easier for me to integrate my gaming into my life if I don't feel like I should keep the two separate.
Gluttony – Do you have a game backlog of unfinished games but still buy new games regardless? Why or why not?
I don't have a ton of games. My daughters just discovered my PS2 and I never bought that many games for it, but of those I have some you don't 'finish' (e.g. Midway Arcade Treasures) but I only properly finshed one (Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance) and that only on the easiest level. One thing I decided is to not buy bundles though I often look at them. I don't have much time for gaming so I'd rather spend a little more to get one game that I will enjoy and provide a little more money for the developer rather than get 10 games and only try out one or two. I also like games that don't really have an ending like MMOs and the Civilization games, so I have plenty of those to keep me busy.
Greed – Do you enjoy hand outs in a game? Have you ever opted to NOT do an action / in game activity because the rewards were lacking? Why or why not?
I usually decide not to do things because of time. It does appeal to me quite a bit if I can accomplish multiple things at the same time, so if I have something I'm interested in doing and then they allow me to accomplish something else at the same time (whether it's an achievement or some more tangible reward) and more likely to do it.
Sloth – Do you ever leech or AFK in a party? Do you discourage others from attempting things that you feel are difficult? Have you ever seen someone that needed help, but decided not to help them? Why or why not?
I don't intentionally leach in a party, but since my play time is less than most others, I am always behind and often feel like I am not pulling my wait. This is a big reason I don't group much any more other than in old content where I know I won't be slowing others down.
Wrath – Ever get angry at other players and yell (or TYPE IN CAPS) at them? Have you ever been so angry to stalk a person around in game and / or in the forums? Why or why not?
Never. My play time is casual and if I'm not enjoying it, I'm going to walk away. Also, since I don't do a lot of group activity and that is normally with my guild, I don't have a lot of opportunity. I guess that's one benefit to being a casual player.
Envy – Ever felt jealous of players who seem to be able to complete content you can’t? Do you ever suspect they are hacking or otherwise cheating? Why or why not?
Yes, I sometimes try to figure out how to participate in end game content again, wish I could, but because of my limited playtime, I usually can't. But it would never occur to me that others are cheating, just that they play more than I do, which is both a good and a bad thing.
Pride – Are you one of those people that demands grouping with other “elite” players? Do you kick players out of your team who you feel are under-performing? Why or why not?
I feel like I already answered this question. I'm casual and so I know I'll never be 'elite.' Part of the reason I started my blog is because I felt like I had a different perspective from most gamers who blog. A perspective of one who is a gamer who plays more casually than most and whose perspective is often overlooked my more serious gamers, though I think it is often considered by the game companies. This questionnaire has again made me feel a little out of the norm, but not in a bad way.
It was nice to participate in this year's NBI, even if it's in a small way. Good luck to all those who started new blogs. I hope you enjoy them for a long time and others do as well!